Please note that as of the 23rd of March Westminster Meeting House is currently closed due to COVID-19. We look forward to opening our doors once more in the near future
Quaker activities all free:
Three weekly Meetings for Worship ~~~~ Children’s Meetings ~~~ Living our Faith groups ~~~~ Craft Circle ~~~~
Regularly in this building:
Alcoholics Anonymous ~~~~ Gay & Lesbian AA ~~~~ Meditation groups ~~~~ Creative Writing ~~~~ White Eagle Lodge ~~~~ Life drawing~~~~ Yoga ~~~~ Drop-in Silence ~~~~ Many Voices (singing) ~~~~ London Buddhist Centre ~~~~
One-to-one sessions ~~ requiring an appointment ~~ ~~ Contact practitioners directly to arrange an appointment, ~~ Acupuncture & Shiatsu ~~~~ Alexander Technique ~~~~ Counselling & Psychotherapy ~~~~ Complementary therapy ~~~~
Courses and less frequent activities ~~ Booking required ~~ Contact course leaders direct